Monday, January 31, 2011

The yellow house on X Street

Our house used to be yellow. It was a fantastic identifier - we would always say,

"We live on X street, between Y & Z."

"Can't find it?"

"It's a few houses down from R."


"It's across the street from T."


"It's the yellow house."

And without fail, that's when they would find our house.

Except it's not yellow anymore. Right now it's a mixture of white primer & an interesting shade of griege-y green. Our columns are still stripped. They tell us it will look beautiful. I have my doubts. However, as long as they paint the porch ceiling blue, it'll be fine. (And when they don't, I'll go back inside & be so glad we painted OUR ceilings blue.)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

This picture totally TOTALLY makes me want to come visit NOLA. Stat!