Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Back on track

I cut off my hair three weeks ago. And for the last three weeks I've been learning and figuring out how to style it. I've learned to deal with the humidity and the rain. But I decided that in order the keep the coiffure coiffed, my mid-day workouts would need to be relocated to before or after work. Well....my intentions were good, but if I'm being honest I must admit that they have definitely not been happening--before, during or after work! And now that the weather has cooled into winter (it's 50 degrees out, brrr! I know I will get absolutely NO sympathy whatsoever from anyone above the Mason-Dixon line), I decided to see what would happen if I got a little sweaty during lunch. So today, armed with hair clips, elastics and a headband, I went to the gym. I worked out. (It felt so good! I'ts been far too long.) And then I took down my hair to discover that...it basically looks the same as it did before I worked out. Which is great! There is a little wrinkle where the elastic was, but I can totally live with it. I am very, very excited about this new development.


KipKGolfmeister said...

Triumph, in any form deserves recognition. Congratulations on your workout related discovery.

KipKGolfmeister said...

AND, in remote but enthusiastic, empathetic support of your workout, I did one too, running a bit (definitely the lunch pause that refreshes).